Friday, June 19, 2015


We are now on day 3 of summer vacation, only roughly 67 days left.  But you know who's counting?!?  I have decided, in order to maintain some of the order in the midst of all the chaos, to implement a school like schedule.  Now I know you're judging me.... "Isn't is summer vacation?" "Why would you do that to these babies?"  Well yes it is summer vacation and I don't plan on making them follow the schedule every day. They will have Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays off.  If I have learned anything from having an ASD child it is that routine and structure are everything!!!!  I gave them this first week off and we will start our schedule on Monday.  Well so far in 3 days we have had 3 major fights, zero beds made, to much time on the xbox and computer, more than a normal share of sugar and sweets, and not quite enough vegetables and balanced plates. And best of all we have been in and around enough water to please an orca!  If I had to bet I'd say we kicked off summer pretty good! I just hope we can transition into the structure with minimal casualties.  We shall see!

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